Many Parts, One Body

We are members of the Harvest Fellowship of Churches--a network of richly diverse Christ centered congregations spanning North America.

The HFC Purpose
Harvest Fellowship of Churches, a Christian organization of Evangelical Anabaptist congregations, exists for the purpose of assisting and uniting member congregations in fulfilling their vision; providing spiritual oversight, nurture, and care for ministry leaders and congregations; equipping and training leaders; licensing and/or ordaining leaders; empowering leaders and congregations to fulfill the great commission.

The HFC Vision
Transformed by Jesus—Empowered for ministry — Thousands of people will be transformed by the power of the Gospel and empowered for ministry through the multiplication of dynamic churches where every believer is loved, discipled, equipped for ministry, and released in their gifting to be a reproducing witness of the new life found in intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.