
Positions of Power in the Kingdom of God - Colossians 3:18-4:1 - Oct. 16, 2016

Who's 'in charge' in your household?  Should they be?

Who are some people who are in authority over you?  How do you feel toward them? 

What could you do to better serve those over you in life?  If you did serve them better, do you think that would improve your relationship with them?  Would it give you a chance to share the gospel with them?

Who are some people under your authority in life?  How do you treat them?  If you continue to treat them the same way, will you get the chance to share the gospel with them or help them take a step closer to Jesus?

How can you use your life as a force for blessing rather than cursing?

So, be nice - Colossians 3:1-17 - October 9, 2016

After you start to understand some great mystery of God, how does that normally affect your life?


What do you think God wants from you?  How should you live?


Have you ever pondered the meaning of the Kingdom of Heaven or Kingdom of God on earth?


Is your home, school, or workplace like the Kingdom of Heaven?  Where does it fall short?


Is there any way you could bring a little piece of the Kingdom of Heaven into your home, school or work?  How so?


How do you think people would react if you began to gently, kindly, and humbly help and bring the peace of the gospel to those places?


What does it mean to do something in the Name of the Lord Jesus?

The Crux of the Matter - Colossians 2:2-23 - Oct. 2nd, 2016

Have you ever thought about your own worldview, the way you live and the beliefs you have? 


What parts of your own culture might be contrary to how God wants you to live?


As a Christian, are there times when you confuse what part of your beliefs are Christian and which are just your own upbringing?


Have you ever been in a church where someone was exerting too much influence or manipulating people because they supposedly had more spiritual knowledge or insight?


What would you say the simple gospel message is?


How have you grown in Christ in the last few years?


If you wanted to see more spiritual growth in your life, what would be the first step to take?

What does it take to Advance the Kingdom? - Colossians 1:24-2:3 - September 25, 2016

How do you react when you hear of Christian people suffering for the sake of the gospel?


Have you ever suffered for the gospel?


Do you pray for persecuted people often?  What do you think they need the most?


Have you ever received push-back from anyone while trying to do a good Christian work?  What happened?  Who did the pushing?


Why do you think some Christians seem to discourage other Christians from doing certain works for God?  Could they be of good intention but misguided?


Have you had conversations about Christ with non-Christians?  How did they respond?  Did that experience encourage you to share Christ more or less?


Please take time now to pray for courage to do the Kingdom work and for resilience during suffering if suffering comes to you.

Tell Me Again about Jesus - Colossians 1:15-23 Sept. 18, 2016

Do you often hear different opinions about who Jesus is?


 What different things do you hear about him in the world?


Do you ever forget who he is?  Do you ever need to be reminded about him?


Do you tend to think of Jesus being more divine or more human?


How would you explain the Trinity if someone asked you?


If you ever forget or need to be reminded about who Jesus is, how can you get reminded?

The Author and Finisher's Work - Sept. 11, 2016 - Colossians 1:1-14

Colossians 1:1-14The Author and Finisher’s Work

What changes have been made in your life as a result of believing in Jesus?  Have they been positive or negative?


As a Christian, what other changes do you expect God wants to make in your life?


Has God ever wanted to change something about you that you didn’t think needed to be changed?


How do you react when God wants you to do something you don’t want to do?


Do you think it will be worth to make the kinds of changes God desires to make in your life?


If you want to go along with a change God wants to make, but “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak”, what do you do?  In other words, when you find that you don’t have what it takes to change, what do you do?


What would be the result if you don’t surrender to those changes?


What do you think our church would be like if everyone was working towards greater surrender to the Spirit of God in our lives?

Sept. 4, 2016 - Colossians 4:7-18 - The Movers and Shakers in the Kingdom

How far back can you trace your spiritual heritage?


Many Christian movements are a reaction to some kind of immorality or improper belief.  What sin or improper belief makes you react strongly?  Is that reaction because of your faith?


Who do you think of as a Christian that you’d like to emulate?


Do you feel like you are laboring for the Lord here at FCC?


Who do you feel might be your closest co-laborers?


What kind of person would you like to have beside you during suffering?  Do you think you’d be a good person to suffer alongside?


Are you bold like some of these great evangelists?  If not, what would it take to get you excited about proclaiming Christ as Savior?