Life of Abraham

Passing on the Heritage - Genesis 24 - May 21, 2017

Are you single?  How long were you single before you got married?

What's the most important thing to look for in a spouse?

Would you trust your parents to arrange your marriage?  Think of a panel of 5 people you'd trust to choose your spouse for you.

What advice would you give a young person who is dating and looking to get married?

What's the most important ethic to develop in yourself in order to be a good spouse to someone else?

Have you ever thought of Jesus being engaged and still waiting for his wedding day?  What feelings do you think he feels as he waits through eternity's longest engagement?

The Down Payment of Faith - Genesis 23 - May 14th, 2017

Have you ever had to plan a funeral?  What do you think would be the best way to honor a deceased loved one?

Are you making preparations now for something you hope for in the future?

What do you think it means to store of treasures in heaven?

Do you think you're wasting time or money now on something that won't be worth it in the future or in eternity?

What adjustments do you need to make to put more emphasis on the future and eternity?

The Dress Rehearsal for the Cross - Genesis 22 - April 30, 2017

What’s your reaction to this text?

Where do you see Jesus being illustrated in the text?

How do you think Abraham felt on the three day journey to Moriah from Beersheba?

Has God ever asked you to give up something precious to you?

Why do you think God asks people to give up parts of their lives?  Do you think God wants to withhold blessing from people?  What other reason might he want someone to give up some aspect of their life?

God has promised love, forgiveness, transformation and eternal life to us.  Do you trust that if God asks you to give something up that it’s because he has something better in store for you?

The Debt of Love We Owe - Genesis 21 - April 23, 2017

With whom in this world are you living in a covenant?  To whom to you feel obligated?

What is the source of this covenant or obligation?

How far would you go for the people with whom you are under covenant or obligation?

How do you feel about these covenants and obligations?  Do you want to get out from under them?  How far would you go to get out from under them?

Do you ever feel obligated to God?  Are you under covenant with him?  What has he done for you?  What would you do for him?

What is the symbol of your permanent covenant with these people?  Is it around you enough to remind you?

Rejection of the Firstborn - Genesis 21:8 - April 2nd, 2017

Have you ever had a relationship that needed to end?  How did it make you feel to end that relationship?

Have you ever felt like the salvation of another person depended on them having a relationship with you?  Is that true?

What are some legitimate reasons that a Christian may have for cutting off a significant relationship?

If you do need to end a relationship, please always do so with prayer, mercy, love, and a hope that the person rejected will come to faith in Christ and have his or her relationship with Christ restored, even if your relationship with him or her cannot be not restored.


God's Promises Fulfilled - Genesis 21 - March 26th, 2017

Have you ever had a longing fulfilled by the Lord?  What was it?

How did you feel after it was finally answered?

Are you still waiting for God to answer a prayer?  What is it for?

How do you feel while you’re waiting?  Does your faith waiver?

Can you relate to Abraham and Sarah?  How can you see yourself in them?

What’s the best way to balance longing with faith?

Do you have friends that are longing for something?  How can you help them wait in faith?

Do you have friends who are currently enjoying an answered prayer?  Are you able to rejoice with them?

Learning to Trust God - Genesis 20 - March 19th, 2017

Do you find it easy or difficult to trust God?

Is there something that God is asking you to trust him for these days?  How are you doing with that?

Why would God withhold a good thing from someone he loves? 

Have you ever lost your witness or reputation in front of non-believers?  How did you feel?

How have you seen God show his faithfulness in your life?

What are some things you could do to exercise your trust in God?

Pray and ask God to teach you faithfulness through the Word and in simple ways in daily life.

Pray for an opportunity to testify about God’s faithfulness to your non-Christian acquaintances.

Desperate Enough To Do What? - Genesis 19 - March 5th, 2017

What are you most desperate for in this life?

Have you ever done anything undignified to get it?  What?  

Does your family have a shameful history that you're trying to overcome?  How has that affected you?

Do you think God can redeem your life and family history?  

What shame did Christ experience on the cross?  But hasn't the cross become his most glorious act?  Don't you think God can redeem your shame and turn it into a great testimony?

It's Time to Step Things Up - Genesis 17 - Feb 05, 2017

Have you responded to the Gospel Call?  Have you received forgiveness from Jesus Christ?  Have you called on the Name of the Lord to be Saved?

Have you responded to the conviction of the Holy Spirit to totally devote your life and energy to knowing the Lord Jesus Christ?  Have you re-prioritized your life according to the Gospel?

Have you responded to the call to ministry?  You are gifted and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do a ministry in a local church and in the world.  Do you believe that?  Are you living that out?

Since receiving Christ as Savior, have you started to see God, yourself, and other people differently?

Pray that God would give you the call and that you'd have the heart to respond.

God Gives Assurance - Genesis 15 - Jan. 15, 2017

Is there anything you've been praying and hoping for for a very long time?


Do you ever wonder why God may bless some parts of your life but ignore others?


Do you think you'd like to know God's long term plan for your life?


Do you just need encouragement from God about some aspect of your life?


Are you still eagerly waiting for Christ to come back or does it ever even cross your mind?

The Battle Abram Won - Genesis 14 - Jan 8, 2017

Lots’ Admonition – When you yoke yourselves with evil people, their calamities will become yours as well.


Abram’s Admonition – Don’t take anything from evil people; don’t become beholden to them.  They’ll control you and manipulate you.  Have contact, but don’t yoke up with them.


Why did Abram tithe? – To worship; and to give God glory for the victory.  

Who is Melchizedek? - A priest of God, King of Salem (which is Jerusalem), and an archetype of Christ alluded to in Psalm 110 and in the Book of Hebrews.

Bad Coping Mechanisms - Genesis 12:10-13:2 - Dec 4th, 2016

What’s your most common coping mechanism?  Food?  Entertainment? Drugs and Alcohol? Porn? Anger?


Is that a healthy coping mechanism?  What will it lead to in the end?


How do you think God feels when you don’t take your problems and concerns to him?


Think about the difficulties you’re going through now.  Spend some time in prayer telling God exactly how you feel about them.  Don’t hold back.  Let him know everything. Apologize to him for not trusting him and instead trusting in whatever else you trusted in.


Now ask God for grace and empowerment to face the difficulty without your usual coping mechanism.


Ask God to help you stand against the temptation of coping in sinful ways.


Pray for another person you know who is going through hard times.  Ask that they will cope by turning to God and not to an unhealthy and useless practice.

Abraham - Father of Nations, Friend of God - Genesis 12:1-9 - Nov. 27, 2016

Have you ever influenced the lives of others?  For good or bad?  Have you ever thought about the kind of legacy you will leave behind?


What do you think it means to be the friend of God?


What has God called you to leave behind in order to look forward to something better?


Do you consider yourself a “settled” person or a “sojourner”?


Do you think you’re teachable?  When was the last time somebody taught you something you didn’t know or influenced you to the point that you made a positive change in your life?


 Are you available to God for his purposes?  Do you think much about what God is doing in the world?  Do you want to be a part of it?


What was the last task you were assigned?  Did you complete it?  If God gives you a task, are you faithful to see it through to completion?