That You Might Believe

John 6 - The Bread of Life - July 16, 2017

When you pray, what do you pray about most? 

When you first came to faith, what did you expect to receive from Jesus?

How about now?  What do you most feel like you need from him now?

Is there a character quality that you think he may be trying to cultivate in you right now?  What quality?  Are you resisting it?

Has Jesus ever offended you?  What statement that he made in the gospels offends you most?  Anything?

Do you trust Jesus to provide what you need and also to be enough to make up for what he never provides for you?

So That You Might Believe - John 1 - July 2, 2017

What did it take to convince you to follow Christ?  Think of your own story and how you’d share that with someone who might ask you why you are a Christian.


Who do you know who doesn’t believe?  Have you ever shared the gospel with that person?  What do you think might be that person’s biggest obstacle to believing?  Now pray that God would remove that obstacle.


Is there anyone that you care so much about that you’d actually trade your salvation for that person?


What’s the best response you can have when you see someone who doesn’t believe?  How did Jesus respond?