First Things First

Jan 24, 2016 - Genesis 12

Where did your family come from?

How did they get to where you are now?

Spiritually speaking, where has your family come from?

Think about where you are now, as if on a map, spiritually.

What was your starting point?  Describe it.

Where are you now?

Where do you think God is directing you to go next, spiritually speaking?  That is to say, what do you need to leave behind and what do you need to embrace next in your walk with Christ?

Jan 17, 2016 - Genesis 10 & 11

Genesis 10 & 11 – Humanism Isn’t New

 Do you have daydreams about your own fortune and glory?

 Do you wish you were famous?  For doing what?

 Do you wish your name were up in lights?

 Is there such a thing as godly ambition?  If so, how does it differ from sinful ambition?

 Have you ever struggled with the idea that your plans for your life and God’s plans for your life might be different?

 Do you trust God to make a plan for your life that is better than what you had planned?

 Do you think God has the authority to tell you what you must do with your life? Why or why not?

 Do you think the created thing should submit to the will of the creator?

 Of all the problems in your life, who do you think is most able to solve them, you or God? 

The Table of Nations - the settlement of the sons of Noah

The Table of Nations - the settlement of the sons of Noah

Etemenanki - the ziggurat in the city of Ur

Etemenanki - the ziggurat in the city of Ur

Ruins of Etemenanki

Ruins of Etemenanki

Jan 10, 2016 - Genesis 9

Genesis 9 – The Unfilial Son/ The Covering of Our Shame

 Do you/ Did you have a good relationship with your parents?

 Do you feel like your family has a lot of secrets or skeletons in the closet?

 How often do you complain about your family?

 Have you ever had your own reputation disparaged?

 How would you want your children to speak about you?

 What have you done in your life of which you are most ashamed?

 Can you believe and accept that Christ has covered that shame?  If so, then thank and worship him for it.

Jan 3, 2016 - Genesis 8

Genesis 8 – The Remnant

 In what places in your life have you truly felt alone or like you were in the minority?

Have you ever been the only believer in a group of non-believers?

How does the world treat someone who won’t conform to their standards?

What does it take to stay faithful when you’re the only believer around?

Paul talks about “those who are perishing” in one of his letters.  What is your attitude toward them?

If your life were more fully devoted to the Lord, would you face any resistance because of it?  Where? At home? At school?  At work? At church?

Dec 27, 2015 - Genesis 7

Dec 27, 2015 – Genesis 7

How do you often measure your Christianity?  By works?  By comparison to others?

Where should your confidence lie?

Do you believe in God?  Is your belief just intellectual acknowledgment of his existence or does your belief in God cause you to live differently?

Your belief in gravity causes you to do certain things and respect certain boundaries.  Does your belief in God dictate certain other behaviors and boundaries?

How might your life be different if you could see your life from God’s perspective?  

Dec 20, 2015 - Genesis 6

Genesis Chapter 6 – When Culture Needs to be Changed

 Spend some time thinking about your own culture: the culture where you were born and raised, New England Culture, your family’s culture, your personal values of what is most important and what you think is most evil in the world.

 Do the beliefs and values of these groups align with what the Bible teaches?

 What aspects of your own thinking probably need to be changed?

 With eternity at stake for you and your family, what drastic measures might you need to take in order to realign your culture, values, and way of thinking with God’s Will?

 If you don’t take these measures, what do you think might be the consequence?

Dec 13, 2015 - Genesis 5

Genesis 5 -Reviewing and Redirecting Your Family Heritage

 What people in your family’s history are you proud of?

 What good traits or ethics run in your family?

 Are there any people in your family history that you have mixed or bad feelings about?  Even ashamed of?

 If there was any chronic problem in your family that you could change, what would it be?

 Would you like your family name to bring something different or better to the minds of others?

 Are you resting on the righteous acts of a previous generation to justify your standing in front of God?

 What would it take for you to either redirect the course of your family’s future or keep your family rooted in Christ?  Are you willing to be the one who does it?

 Are you filling yourself up with Christ so that you can pour him into the rest of your family?  Your kids, if you have any?

Dec 6, 2015 - Genesis 4

“My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less Than . . . Who?”


Genesis chapter 4

1.  Did life turn out exactly as you thought it would?  What unfulfilled expectations have you had?

2.  Have you ever put undue pressure or expectations on another person?  How would you feel if someone did that you to you?

3.  What are your running from?  Do you walk around every day carrying a burden of guilt?  Have you put up walls in your life?  What are you trying to hide that God’s grace needs to wash? 

4.  What are you putting your hope in?  What do you tell others to put their hope in?


Nov 29, 2015 - Genesis 3

Genesis chapter 3 – “Who Can Be Against Us”

What kind of person are you?  One who tends to see the Devil everywhere or one who tends to forget he even exists?


Have you ever said, “The Devil made me do it?”


How much do you fear the spiritual realm?


Who has caused most of your problems, the devil or yourself?


Does your fear of evil or the devil make you doubt God’s power?


What would your life look like if you trusted the power of God to prevent evil from taking over your life and at the same time, you stopped being your own worst enemy?