Dec 13, 2015 - Genesis 5

Genesis 5 -Reviewing and Redirecting Your Family Heritage

 What people in your family’s history are you proud of?

 What good traits or ethics run in your family?

 Are there any people in your family history that you have mixed or bad feelings about?  Even ashamed of?

 If there was any chronic problem in your family that you could change, what would it be?

 Would you like your family name to bring something different or better to the minds of others?

 Are you resting on the righteous acts of a previous generation to justify your standing in front of God?

 What would it take for you to either redirect the course of your family’s future or keep your family rooted in Christ?  Are you willing to be the one who does it?

 Are you filling yourself up with Christ so that you can pour him into the rest of your family?  Your kids, if you have any?