Guest Speakers

Mary - A Passionate Christ-Follower - John 12 - May 7,2017


Text: John 12:1-8


-A true mark of a transformed disciple of Jesus Christ is ___________


-Someone describes passionate spirituality as: “living ____________

_______________ and practicing ones faith with joy and enthusiasm.”

 (Natural Church Development) How do we know if a church has this passionate spirituality?

·         A church that has passionate spirituality is ____________ for God.

·         A church that has passionate spirituality is _______________; everyone is catching it.

·         Church decisions are made by the ______________ they have about their Lord.

·         Those passionate about their spirituality will discover _______________ in fresh relationships with God.

·         Passionate spirituality will produce the______________ of Christ.

·         Passionate spirituality results in deeds of_______ and ____________.




1.      GIVE ____________AND ___________________________

-All passionate Christ-followers will give generously to Christ and his Kingdom. II Corinthians 8:1-9; II Corinthians 9:6


2.       WORSHIP GOD_________________________________

-Worship to God is not only what we do on Sunday morning by attending and participating in a service. Worship to God must be a life-style throughout the week.

-Our worship to God, every moment and every day, wherever we are, becomes a sweet fragrance to others.

John 4:24; Isaiah 29:13


3.       SHOW _____________________ TO GOD

-A passionate Christ-follower must be fully devoted to God.-We never do things for God to earn his favor. – Ephesians 2:8-10

-Acts 2:42

-Where is our devotion to God level?



-We also see in this story the greedy heart of Judas. His heart was not right with God.

-Sometimes in the moment of greatest joy and worship someone can bring a negative outlook or comment that deflates the joy of the moment.

-We must always guard our heart that we don’t respond like Judas.


-As we continue to move forward in 2017, Mary serves as a wonderful example of a passionate Christ-follower:

1)      Are we willing to give freely and sacrificially to God’s work? (Our money, time, encouragement, our lives) Is there any greed in our heart that holds us back from giving?

2)      Do we worship God wholeheartedly? Has worship become a routine exercise or duty in which we find no joy?

3)      Do we show our devotion to God in actions and not only words? What acts of devotion would God be calling us to in the days ahead?

    Sermon by Bishop Henry Buckwalter, May 7, 2017 – Faith Christian Church

Prayer for the Next Generation - Ephesians 6 - October 30, 2016

Will you get in the fight?  Better put on the full armor of God.

Will you pray for our church's youth?   

Will you get involved and engage with them?

Do you wish you'd had someone helping guide you through your teen years?

Will you be that person for the youth of our church?

Will you commit to praying for the youth of our church?  Name them by name, get to know them, walk alongside Hannah and pour your life into our youth.

July 3, 2016 - Becoming a Committed Transformed Disciple



Text: Romans 12:1-2

-Simple Definition of commitment: “a promise to do or give something; a promise to be loyal to someone or something; the attitude of someone who works very hard to do or support something.”

-Transform – “to change in form, appearance, or structure; to change in form, nature, or character; convert”


Main thought: Being a “COMMITTED TRANSFORMED DISCIPLE OF JESUS” does not happen automatically. An absolute daily surrender of one’s life to Jesus is required. Doing so will result in spiritual fruit and Kingdom advancement.

-Matthew 22:37-38; Acts 11:26

“There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses only results.” Ken Blanchard

Let’s look at our text in Romans 12:1-2 and learn what it means to be a committed transformed disciple of Jesus:


-Ephesians 2:3-5

-Contrast mercy and grace: -Mercy is not getting what we deserve. Grace is getting what we don’t deserve. Mercy wipes out all of the negatives against us. Grace moves into the positive with all of its resources.

-I Peter 2:10



-The Greek word “living” implies to vigorously give our lives in service to the Lord. Nothing halfhearted.

- Ephesians 4:22-24; 5:8-14

- To please God should be our highest aim in life because we live in a loving relationship with him.



-We should not see the church building as the only place to worship God. The whole world is a vast temple and everywhere we are at is a place of worship.

-A. W. Tozer wrote, “If you will not worship God seven days a week you do not worship him on one day a week.”

-Matthew 15:7-9



-I believe that when a person is motivated by God’s mercy, gives one’s total being to Christ, see’s worship as an everyday experience, they will live a transformed life.

-II Corinthians 5:17; II Corinthians 3:18

-Philippians 4:8; Hosea 4:6



-If we are 1) motivated by God’s mercy; 2) give our total life to Christ; 3) see worship as an everyday experience; 4) live a transformed life, we will be able to test and approve God’s will for our life.

-If you don’t know God’s will for your life, make every effort to find out. Don’t waste any more time.

"Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you’re alive, it isn’t." Richard Bach

-What area(s) in my life is God calling me to surrender to Him today in a fresh way so that you will become a stronger and committed transformed disciple of Jesus? What steps am I willing to take to pursue this new commitment?