There is no Condemnation - Romans 8:1 - August 21, 2016

Do you walk around feeling guilty a lot?


What is the source of the guilt?


How does it make you feel when you struggle with sin but don’t prevail?


How do you perceive that it affects your walk with Christ?


Are you the opposite kind of person who rarely struggles with sin?  Do you think that is affecting your walk with Christ?  Would you like it to change?


Do you believe the Holy Spirit is working in your life to empower you to overcome sin?  How might you start tapping into the Spirit in your daily life?


Do you always feel like you can approach the Throne of Grace?  In your most desperate times of resistance to sin, do you ever invite Christ into your struggle? Or do you assume he’s angry with you for even being tempted?


How would your life be different if you could always convince yourself that there’s no condemnation for you in Christ?  What kind of joy would have?  How much of a blessing could you be to others by having the testimony that there’s such a thing as a life free of the bondage of sin and the threat of condemnation?