1 Corinthians 11:1-16 - Unique, but Equal and Priceless - May 20, 2018

In what ways do you think society pits people against the opposite sex? 

Do you feel like you’ve been treated badly by the opposite sex?  In what ways?  Do you think you’ve ever treated the opposite sex badly yourself?  Have you confessed that to the Lord?

Do you think this battle of the sexes exists in churches?  In what ways?

Have you ever thought too much of yourself?

For women:  What feminine qualities do you often feel you lack? Are those qualities which the world pressures you to have or are they truly biblical qualities?  Have you prayed about these?

For men:  What masculine qualities do you often feel you lack?  Are those qualities which the world pressures you to have or are they truly biblical qualities?  Have you prayed about these?

In what way can you help the opposite sex flourish in our church?